Homemade Pot Scrubber

Finally a use for the net bags that onions, potatoes, lemons and oranges come in. I have been saving them up, because I just knew there had to be a 2nd life left in there somewhere. Now I never have to buy a brillo pad again. One more thing off my list of things to purchase from the store.

Homemade Pot Scrubber

2 plastic net bags

Flatten the bags out and lay them on top of each other

Fold in half, and continue folding until you have a tight little square.

Tie with fishing line, twine, heavy thread, or a rubberband. If you have more time on your hands than I do,  you could sew the edges and make them into a perfectly square scrubbie.

This is so excellent for scrubbing a cast iron pan. Actually better than the brillo pad method I was previously using. I’ve been using the same one for a month now, it seems they are rather indestructable little buggers. I’ll let you know how long they last. I throw mine in the dishwasher so it doesn’t get all gunky.