Homemade Hippie Liquid Laundry Soap


This is the laundry soap that I used before I discovered soap nuts. See all about soap nuts HERE and other ways to use them besides laundry HERE. I was at my girlfriends house the other day and she was complaining about the high cost of laundry soap and all the chemical junk that it contains. I showed her how to whip up a batch of homemade laundry soap. Her cost: $0.83 cents! This does 60-64 loads of laundry. That is one penny per load baby!

Homemade Liquid Laundry Soap

  • 3 pints water (6 cups)
  • 1/3 bar of Fels Naptha soap grated (we cheated and grated it in her food processor . ha!)
  • 1/2 cup washing soda (not baking soda)
  • 1/2 cup borax
  • 1 Quart hot water (4 cups)
  • A 2 gallon bucket with a tight-fitting lid (we used an old coconut oil bucket, if you’re really nifty you can funnel this into an old detergent bottle and nobody will even know you’re a cheap skate!)
  • cold water to fill bucket

1. Mix Fels Naptha in a saucepan with 3 pints water, heat on low until dissolved. Stir in the washing soda and borax. Stir until thick and remove from heat.

2. In the 2 gallon bucket add 1 quart of hot water. Add soap mixture to the bucket and stir well.

3.  Now fill the bucket with cold tap water (leaving room to stir).

4. Set bucket aside for 24 hours. Uncovered. It will turn into a gel.

5. Place lid on bucket and you’re ready to wash some clothes.

Use 1/3 to 1/2 cup per load. You can stir in any essential oils that you like, if you are a fan of scented laundry.


Related Articles:

What the heck is a Soap Nut?
Soap Nuts around the House (and on your head)

Homemade Hippie Orange Cleaner

Homemade Hippie Scouring Powder

Homemade Hippie All-Purpose Cleaner and Disinfectant

Homemade Hippie Dishwasher Detergent

Homemade Hippie Windex for 0.12 cents a bottle

ALL Homemade Hippie Recipes

Homemade Hippie Hot Hair Oil

Many of my Homemade Hippie fans know that I am the ultimate cheap skate. I was standing in the grocery store aisle reading labels (yes I am a Label Nazi, and you should be too!) and after much searching, finally found a deep conditioning hair mask that didn’t list the first two ingredients as water and alcohol. It has such yummy ingredients as coconut oil, olive oil, keratin, aloe vera gel and carrot seed oil. I then turned the bottle over and saw the price tag. $12.59! This bottle claims to treat your hair 2 times and contained 2 ounces of hair oil. I don’t know about you, but smoothing my split ends isn’t worth $6.29 per shower. So of course I decided to make it myself.


First of all, to be very cheap you’re going to want to use what you have on hand. Just about any type of oil will nourish and moisturize your hair. If you want to be very specific:


  • Avocado Oil- good for very dry or very frizzy hair
  • Coconut Oil- Good for all  hair types, and works well for dandruff
  • Castor Oil- Good for those with oily hair or scalp
  • Sesame Oil- Good for thinning hair
  • Jojoba Oil- Good for oily hair or scalp, a very light oil and easy to wash out
  • Neem Oil-Excellent for dandruff
  • Argan, Almond, Apricot- Good for all hair, but expensive to be washing down your shower drain

Other Ingredients:

Essential Oils


Aloe Vera Gel- Clarifies and strengthens

Eggs- A source of serious protein and keratin, things that hair is made of

With all of this in mind, make up your own personal oil blend. In a pinch grab whatever natural oils you have at home already and mix with a couple of raw eggs.


Homemade Hippie Hot Hair Oil

This was compiled with ingredients that I already had, and for my specific type of hair. I have red hair that is very fine and thin and does tend to dry out easily.

  • 2 Tbsp Avocado Oil
  • 2 Tbsp Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tbsp Aloe Vera Gel
  • 2 raw eggs
  1. In a small double boiler or saucepan gently heat oils and aloe, stirring to mix and melt. Remove from heat and whip in the eggs with a fork.
  2. Wet your hair in the sink and apply warm oil to wet hair. (you can apply to dry hair if you like. I just feel like it absorbs better when my hair is wet)
  3. Run a bath towel or large kitchen towel under very hot tap water. Wring out towel and wrap it around your head.
  4. Sit around with your oily head and watch the Lifetime Movie Network or check out old Homemade Hippie Posts (below) and plan your next concoction.
  5. I don’t time this, but it’s best to leave the oil on your hair as long as you can. 30  minutes minimum.
  6. You can rewarm the towel under hot water if you wish.
  7. Wash your hair as you normally would. You will probably need to wash it twice to remove all of the oil.



2 TBSP Avocado Oil $1.33

2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil $0.81 cents

2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil $.047 cents

2 Eggs $0.00 The beauty of dating a chicken farmer If you aren’t so lucky, you can add approximately $0.25 to your total

For 1 hair treatment this cost me $2.61 and used 3 ounces of oil. That is $0.87 cents per ounce!

Calling all Cheap Skates

Calling all Cheap Skates

Related Posts:

Homemade Hippie Lip Balm

Homemade Hippie Hair Spray

Homemade Hippie Body Wash

Homemade Hippie Bug Spray

Homemade Hippie Tooth Paste

Homemade Hippie Orange Cleaner

Homemade Hippie Scouring Powder

Homemade Hippie Dishwashing Powder

Homemade Hippie Wrinkle Cream & Eye Cream

Homemade Hippie All Purpose Cleaning Spray

Homemade Hippie Windex for $0.12

Homemade Hippie Mouthwash

Homemade Hippie Face Wash

Homemade Hippie Simple Hand Lotion


Magnesium Oil and Restless Legs Update

Many of you have inquired about Rob’s restless leg syndrome. For those of you who missed it, the original post is HERE and how to make the Magnesium Oil for cheap is HERE.

I am happy to report that my darling bed-mate is no longer turning the sheets into a tiny ball in the middle of the bed, kicking me in the knee caps, running up and down the stairs in the middle of the night, sitting up in bed and loudly sighing, constantly twitching or flipping around the bed like a fish. My legs are back to being the normal pasty white color, instead of various shades of black, blue and purple. We are both resting well and I am not lying in bed awake dreaming up ways to smother someone more than  twice my weight with a pillow. In short, IT WORKED!

Rob has found over the months of trial and error that he does much better if he sprays with magnesium oil twice a day. In the morning before work, he sprays his legs and rubs it in until its dry, then gets dressed and goes about his day, leaving the magnesium oil on his skin. At night about 1/2 an hour before showering he sprays his legs, arms, and torso and rubs it in. He pays special attention and sprays an extra amount along his spine, as he feels that it absorbs better there. Zero scientific proof of that, but he ‘feels’ that it works better so that’s what he does 🙂 Sometimes you just have to listen to your body right? He lays around and lets it soak into his skin for at least 30 minutes, then gets into the shower and gets ready for bed.

I can attest that twice a day is much better than once. He is completely still at night! It’s amazing the difference between Crazy Twitchy Rob and Non-Heebie-Jeebie Rob. I don’t want to strangle the new guy. He’s so nice and peaceful to sleep with that I’ve decided he can stick around 🙂

This program has also turned out to be very affordable. You all haven’t forgotten that I’m a cheapskate have you? We are still using the original 2.2 lb bag of Magnesium Chloride Flakes that I purchased for $14.99. I am happy to report that I have since  found an even cheaper source for you HERE at Iherb. This is 2.75 lbs of very pure Magnesium Chloride for only $13.85!  IF YOU USE THE COUPON CODE HIF798 YOU WILL RECIEVE A $10 DISCOUNT. PLUS THEY OFFER FREE SHIPPING! YAY!

Aromatherapy Part 2: The Dark Side

Although essential oils are natural products, it is still necessary to follow certain precautions when using them. Essential oils are very concentrated and volatile, this is why they work so well! There are certain essential oils that should never be used in aromatherapy. They are all either narcotic, toxic, capable of causing miscarriage, likely to provoke epileptic seizures or can seriously damage the skin.

Dangerous Essential Oils

These oils should Never be used

  • Aniseed Pimpinella anisum
  • Arnica Arnica montana
  • Boldo Leaf Peumus boldus
  • Calamus  Acorus calamus
  • Camphor Cinnamomum camphora
  • Cassia Cinnamomum cassie
  • Cinnamon Bark Cinnamomum zeylanicum
  • Costus Saussurea lappa
  • Bitter Almond Prunus amygdalis
  • Bitter Fennel Foeniculum vulgare
  • Elecampane Inula helenium
  • Horseradish Cochlearia armorica
  • Jaborandi Leaf Pilocarpus jaborandi
  • Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris
  • Mustard Brassica nigra
  • Origanum Origanum vulgare
  • Origanum (spanish) Thymus capitatus
  • Pennyroyal (European) Mentha pulegium
  • Pennyroyal (North American) Hedeoma pulegioides
  • Pine (dwarf) Pinus pumilio
  • Rue Ruta graveolens
  • Sage Salvia officinalis
  • Sassafras Sassafras albidum
  • Sassafras (brazilian) Ocotea cymbarum
  • Savin Juniperus sabina
  • Savory (summer) Satureia hortensis
  • Savory (Winter) Satureia montana
  • Southernwood Artemisia abrotanum
  • Tansy Tanacetum vulgare
  • Thuja (cedarleaf) Thuja occidentalis
  • Thuja Plicata Thuja plicata
  • Wintergreen Gaultheria procumbens
  • Wormseed Chenopodium anthelminticum
  • Wormwood Artemisia absinthium

Rosemary: Should not be used by people with epilepsy

In addition to the above list, there are a number of oils that do have valuable therapueutic properties, but need to be used with caution.

Oils that should not be used by people with Epilepsy

  • Fennel (Sweet) Foeniculum vulgare
  • Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
  • Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis

(plus Sage and Wormwood, from the previous list)

Geranium Oil: Do not use during Pregnancy

Oils That Should Not be Used During Pregnancy

  • Basil Ocimum basilicum
  • Birch Betula alba, B. lenta, B.alleghaniensis
  • Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica
  • Clary Sage Salvia sclarea
  • Cypress Cupressus sempervirens
  • Geranium Pelargonium asperum
  • Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
  • Jasmine Jasminium officinale
  • Juniper Juniperis communis
  • Marjoram Origanum majorana
  • Myrrh Commiphora myrrha
  • Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
  • Peppermint Mentha piperata
  • Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis
  • Tarragon Artemisia dranunculus
  • Thyme Thymus vulgaris
  • Camomile Anthemis nobilis, et al.
  • Lavender Lavandula vera
  • Rose Rosa centifolia, R.damascena  

Lemon Oil: Do not use for prolonged periods

Essential Oils with a Risk of Chronic Toxicity

Do not use these oils for more than a few days at a time

  • Basil Ocimum basilicum
  • Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica
  • Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum
  • Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus
  • Fennel (Sweet) Foeniculum vulgare
  • Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis
  • Lemon Citrus limonum
  • Orange Citrus aurantium
  • Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
  • Thyme Thymus vulgaris

Clove Oil: Can irritate the skin

Skin Irritants

Always dilute these oils to 1% before using

  • Angelica Angelica archangelica
  • Black Pepper Piper nigrum
  • Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum
  • Citronella Cymbopogon narus
  • Clove (all parts) Eugenia caryphyllus
  • Ginger Zingiber officinalis
  • Lemon Citrus limonum
  • Lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus
  • Lemon Verbena Lippia citriodora
  • Orange Citrus aurantium
  • Nutmeg Myristica fragrans
  • Peppermint Mentha piperata

Bergamot Oil: Can cause sunburn or sun damage

PhotoSensitising Oils

Do not use on skin before sun exposure

  • Angelica Angelica archangelica
  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Lemon Citrus limonum
  • Orange Citrus aurantium

I certainly don’t mean to scare anyone away from using essential oils, but I think a lot of us (myself included) think we can just go around using essential oils without a care in the world, without realising that they are incredibly strong and can have harmful effects if used improperly. It’s easy to think of the as just fancy scented oils, that you can add to whatever you want. For example, if you add lemon or orange oil to your body lotion recipe and use it every day, you run a risk of toxic levels building up in the body over time. Also be careful about gift giving. I was going to make peppermint shower scrub as a Christmas gift last year, until I researched peppermint oil and found it can cause spontaneous abortion!

Honestly if you are nervous, I would contact a Certified Aromatherapist (which is where I got these lists). I have been using essential oils myself for many years, with no ill effects, but I always research an oil before I use it.

Related Posts:

Aromatherapy Part 1: How it Works

Essential Oil of Bergamot

Essential Oil of Geranium

Essential Oil of Thyme

Cinnamon Bark: A Dangerous Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Part 1: How it Works

Aromatherapy is the use of plant oils in treatment. Although the word aromatherapy was first used in 1937 the principles on which it is based are very, very old. The use of infused aromatic oils, made by macerating dried plant material in fatty oil, heating and then filtering date back to the first century.

The lungs and the skin are both vital to the practice of aromatherapy, as these are the two routes by which essential oils enter the body.

Essential oils evaporate on contact with the air, so when breathed in they are carried with the inhaled air through the nose and into the lungs. The two primary bronchi, which first bring air into the lungs, divide into smaller passages, which in turn divide and subdivide into tubes of every decreasing size The smallest being called the bronchioli. The bronchioli then lead to the even smaller alveolar ducts, which look like tiny balloons or bunches of grapes. These alveoli, supply oxygen to the blood and remove waste matter in the ‘exchange of gases’. The walls of the alveoli are made of the thinnest tissue in the body, and through this fine membrane fluids can pass. The surface of the membrane is always moist, so that oxygen and other soluble particles dissolve before passing through it.

The importance of this process is to understand that the particles of essential oils that have been breathed in can pass directly through these thin-walled structures, and enter the bloodstream for circulation to other parts of the body.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are the base materials of the aromatherapist. They are the pure cells of a plant extracted by distillation.

We use the term essential oil loosely to describe all the oils used in aromatherapy, but strictly speaking only those extracted by distillation should be called essential. Some oils are extracted by pressure (most citrus oils) and should be called “Essence of”. Some are solvent extracted (most floral oils) and should be called “Absolute of”.

Essential oils are very highly concentrated, and should only rarely be used undiluted. They are very volatile and evaporate quickly. They should be kept in airtight bottles in a dark and quiet place. They are damaged by sunlight, temperature changes and even loud noise.

Carrier Oils from Mountain Rose Herbs

Even though they are called oils, they are light and non-greasy. They dissolve easily in fatty oils, but not in water.

Essential oils are highly complex chemically and this makes them both versatile and safe, since many properties act together to balance them out. Some people are surprised by the many therapeutic properties mentioned for a single oil, but this reflects the complicated chemistry of the oil.

How you apply essential, or aromatherapy, oils has an impact on their healing capabilities.  Because they are so highly concentrated, it is not often recommended that you apply essential oils in their pure form directly to the skin.

Baths- A few drops of oil directly in water

Massage- A few drops of essential oil added to massage oil or any carrier oil (almond, jojoba, coconut etc)

Vapor Inhalation- 5 drops in steaming water. Inhale the steam using a towel tent over the head

Lotion/Cream/Salve- Essential oils added to these products are absorbed through the skin

Compress-Add essential oil to warm water. Dip in a cotton cloth and wring it out. Place this on the body.

If you don’t know where to start with aromatherapy, I buy all of my supplies from Mountain Rose Herbs. You can find them on my blogroll. Enjoy!

Homemade Hippie Bug Spray

In Michigan we are surrounded by water, which causes lots of humidity, which causes mosquitos the size of pterodactyls. For some reason mosquitos love me. Maybe because I am an extremely white, white girl and you can see every vein in my body, which to a mosquito must look like the best all you can eat lunch buffet in town. I also get welts the size of a quarter every time I get bit, so I spend  most of the summer looking like a victim of scabies. They have hatched really early this year, because of the crazy warm weather, so it’s time to get out the arsenal and try to fend them off before they start carrying away small children.

The best natural bug repellant I’ve ever used is Bite Blocker by Homs LLC. I have tried several different kinds, but they all seem to wear off after a few minutes. Bite Blocker really works for hours, and doesn’t smell nasty at all. I decided to make my own version of Bite Blocker at home, because the ingredients list is pretty simple.

If you don’t want to  make your own it can be purcased HERE. If you use the coupon code HIF798 you will receive a $10 discount and free shipping.

Homemade Hippie Buy Spray

1/4 cup olive oil (or any cheap liquid oil you have laying around)

2 Tbsp vegetable glycerin

1 Tbsp Citric Acid

1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

2 Tbsp homemade vanilla extract

6 drops Lavender essential oil

6 drops Tea Tree essential oil

6 drops Clove Bud essential oil

6 drops Peppermint essential oil

6 drops Rosemary essential oil

6 drops Eucalyptus essential oil

10 drops Geranium essential oil

Mix all ingredients and pour into a spray bottle. Shake before each use. Reapply after 2-3 hours. You can use any strong mixture of essential oils that you prefer, this is just what I had a lot of in the house. I would make sure to use the Geranium oil, because that is the main active ingredient in Bite Blocker. The others I’m sure you could play with and have good results. Let me know what you use!

I have used this a few times so far and it does work very well. Rob and I went to a terribly overgrown area to chop down some dead trees for fire wood. It was way back in the shade, and next to a small creek. Every step we took sent up swarms of mosquitos and I thought for sure we’d be covered in welts. I got one nasty bite on my ankle, through my sock and Rob got zero bites. Considering that we were outside for 2 1/2 hours hauling firewood and sweating profusely I think that is pretty darn good don’t you?

This also smells good, and isn’t offensive to Rob’s manly nostrils, as he doesn’t like to “smell like a flower”.

Related Posts:

Homemade Hippie Wrinkle Cream

Homemade Hippie Mouthwash

Homemade Hippie Face Wash

Homemade Hippie Hand Lotion

Homemade Hippie Lip Balm

Homemade Hippie Hair Spray

Homemade Hippie Body Wash

Homemade Hippie Tooth Paste

Homemade Hippie Body Lotion



Homemade Hippie Orange Cleaner

This is almost too easy to post about. I feel like I should have been doing this my entire life, and somehow I got tricked into paying $4 for a spray bottle of orange cleaner. Craziness.

I have a juicer now, and I am really enjoying fresh vegetable & fruit juices. However, I now have citrus peels coming out my ears. This is just one of the many uses for them. I’ll keeping posting more ideas to get rid of them, as I find them. Unfortunately chickens don’t like citrus peels, which is what I do with the rest of the veggie pulp, and I can’t bear to throw them away! (no I’m not a hoarder, just a crazy hippie)

Homemade Orange Cleaner

  • Vinegar (just plain organic, white vinegar will do)
  • lots of citrus peels (orange, lemon, lime or a combination)

Place peels in vinegar. I cut mine small and put them right in the original vinegar bottle, because I’m crazy like that. Let this sit around for 6 weeks or so. When you remember to shake it, shake it. This releases oil from the peels and makes it more a more potent grease cutter. I shook mine a lot and vigorously and let it sit around for about 2 months. You’re going to love this and use it like crazy, so I would recommend that you start a new gallon every month or so, so you never run out. Also, writing the date on the jug/jar really helps 🙂

Strain out the citrus when you think it’s “done”. Refill an old spray bottle (because I know you’re saving those right?) I honestly don’t think I will need to make any other cleaners now. This one just takes the cake. I have cleaned my oven, stove top, kitchen counters, sink, added 1/2 cup to the mop water, and sprayed the whole bathroom. It is very excellent for dusting! The only thing it won’t work for is windows/glass or to polish faucets and such. It is also excellent added to your sink full of dishes. If you are soaking some kind of baked on nasty lasagna or something, this does the trick. We all know that vinegar is great for cleaning and is a natural disinfectant, who knew that adding a bit of citrus oil would improve it so much?

Related Posts:

Homemade Hippie All Purpose Cleanser and Disinfectant

Homemade Hippie Windex for 0.12 a bottle!

Homemade Hippie Scouring Powder

Homemade Hippie Dishwasher Detergent

Homemade Hippie Lip Balm

Homemade Hippie Wrinkle Cream

Homemade Hippie Mouthwash, Face Wash, Body Wash


iHerb.com coupon code: Save $10

I just placed an IHerb order and received $10 off with this coupon code so I thought I’d share. The code is: HIF798

They sell many types of caffeine free herbal coffee, so I ordered a whole year supply for only $41.00. IHerb also has FREE SHIPPING  for any order of $20. How cool is that?

No shipping plus save $10. You can’t beat that. I love a good deal. (Most cheapskates do!)

So again the code is HIF798 and it has no expiration date. Coupons codes are good for $10 off any 1st time purchase of $40 or more, or $5 off any 1st time purchase less than $40.

Other things I order from iherb

  • Loose tea and Tea bags
  • Herbal Coffee
  • Essential Oils
  • Probiotics
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • B-Vitamin complex
  • Organic Bulk Nuts
  • Amino Acids

Their shipping is always very fast. I ordered my herbal coffee on Wednesday and it was at my house by Friday. Enjoy the coupon!

Homemade Hippie Hairspray (it really works!)

I have seen this recipe for years on the internet, and I just assumed that there was no possible way it could work. I mean who on earth would think that sugar water would work just as well as my $1.00 can of Suave? I don’t use hairspray very often, but when I do I want to spray it once in the morning and forget about it for the rest of the day. That stuff better hold! I also have very fine, silky hair that doesn’t hold a curl for even 1 second, so if I ever want curls there had better be a strong can of hairspray nearby.

I was really, completely shocked that this worked! Here is your 30 second recipe. Give it a try!

Homemade Hippie Hairspray

1 cup nearly boiled water

4 tsp sugar

  • Mix and pur into a fine mist spray bottle
  • spray , wait 30 seconds to dry, spray again.
  • stronger? add more sugar
  • Weaker? add less sugar

The above recipe makes a very “max hold” type hairspray. I actually had to add a bit more water and dilute mine, because I don’t need it quite that extreme.

I have been using this for a month now to test it out, and I have no complaints. It actually makes my hair very shiny, it holds all day, and NO it does not attract bugs 🙂


  • Use the finest mist bottle you can find. I used an old hairspray bottle and it was perfect
  • Spray a very tiny amount on and wait for it to completely dry and then re-apply
  • As weird as this sounds, I spray all of my hair, let it dry, and then brush my hair. It adds just the right amount of texture to my hair, so I have zero static cling. Love it!
  • You can add any essential oil that you like (if you like to smell like a girl)

Now I have yet another household product that I don’t have to spend money on. I spend $5.98 on a 10 lb bag of organic sugar. So this recipe costs me exactly $1.6 cents!  ONE POINT SIX CENTS PEOPLE! Amazing. I love being cheap 🙂

Related Posts:

Homemade Hippie Wrinkle Cream

Homemade Hippie Mouthwash

Homemade Hippie Face Wash

Homemade Hippie Hand Lotion

Homemade Hippie Lip Balm

Homemade Hippie Body Wash

Homemade Hippie Bug Spray

Homemade Hippie Toothpaste

Homemade Hippie Body Lotion


Essential Oil of Geranium and its many uses

Essential oil is produced by steam distillation of the leaves from Pelargonium Radens and P. Capitatum. The main ingredients are geraniol and citronellol. It is a beautiful pale, green color. The scent is mildly green, slightly sharp, and sweet.

Geranium is an antiseptic, antidepressant, and astringent. It stops bleeding and promotes quick healing and is very useful to treat injury. It balances sebum production in the skin and is useful if the skin is too oily or too dry.

Geranium stimulates the adrenal cortex, helping to regulate and balance hormones. It is very useful to treat menopause, PMS and other hormonal imbalances.

Geranium stimulates the lymphatic system and is a mild diuretic. It is used during massage to treat cellulitis and edema. It has a general tonic effect on the liver and kidneys and is helpful for jaundice, kidney stones, constipation and urinary tract infections.

Geranium is an excellent insect repellant, and especially powerful if combined with Essential Oil of Lemon and Citronella.

Because Geranium is somewhat stimulating, it should not be used directly before bedtime.

See also:

Essential Oil of Bergamot and its many uses

Essential Oil of Thyme and its many uses

Rosehip Seed Oil for wrinkles (plus an eye cream recipe)

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